How do I know what chip my Mac is using?
Notation Software's version 5 software is compatible with the latest macOS using the Wine paradigm (see the Mac Installation Guide at for full details). When a new annual macOS...
How do I set a file association for .not files in Windows 10 or 11?
To set the file association in Windows 10/11, you'll want to: 1. Use Windows Explorer to find one of your .not song files. 2. Right-click and then choose "Open" (or double-click). 3. Make sure...
How do I back up my purchased copy of Notation?
Please refer to the instructions in Help/QuickStart Guide for finding and backing up the /Installation folder in the event you need to reinstall your software.
Does Notation Software offer notation scanning software?
Notation Software does not offer notation scanning software. However, Notation Composer can import files that are exported from such programs, including .musicxml, .xml, .mxl, and .mid. You can then...
Desktop shortcut for Mac - how do I make one?
You can create a desktop shortcut by doing the following on your Mac: 1. Open Finder 2. Drag/drop the according Notation app from the Applications folder e.g. (X = latest major...
Why won't my MIDI keyboard read the MIDI I saved from Musician or Composer?
All Notation products save MIDI files in MIDI File Format Type 1. Some MIDI keyboards only read Type 0 format .mid files. You can fairly easy work around this problem by using a free MIDI utility...
I can play a MIDI file from some web page using my Internet browser, but how can I download the MIDI file instead of hearing it?
For most browsers you can simply right-click on the link for the MIDI file and select the option like "Save as" or "Download."
Can Notation products read audio files such as .MP3 files and .WAV files, or read music from a CD?
No, Notation does not offer an option to convert audio (MP3, WAV, or CD) to MIDI. There is one company that seems to have solved the audio-to-MIDI problem. Celemony's Melodyne Editor with Direct Note...
Where can I find the system requirements for various Notation Software products and versions?
You can find the System Requirements for version 5 at You can find the System Requirements for version 4 (unsupported) at ...
Notation will not open a MIDI file as sheet music. How do I associate MIDI files?
To set the file association in most Windows versions you'll want to: 1. Use Windows Explorer to find one of your .not song files. 2. Right-click and then choose ""Open"" (or double-click). 3....
Where can I find MIDI files of songs I want to play or practice?
While our software does not convert audio (wav, mp3, ogg, flac, etc.) files to sheet music, it does transcribe MIDI (.mid) files to sheet music. There are a lot of great .mid files out there of...
Does Notation Software support Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1?
No. Microsoft ended the support of these operating systems. The current version 5 of Notation Software supports Windows 10, 11. For the previous (meanwhile unsupported) versions please visit the...
How can I back up my software license?
Immediately after installing your Notation Software product you should make a safe backup copy of your installation. We have seen increasing requests for redownloads because customers are not...
How to take a screen shot.
Sometimes we find it helpful to see a "screen shot" of a problem that you are reporting. This is a picture of what you see on your computer screen. There are many software programs that are available...